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The main aim of our curriculum at Daventry Hill School is for all of our students to be inspired and empowered to be able to achieve a happy and successful future.

Our curriculum drivers are:

  • Employability
    • Our curriculum provides opportunities and knowledge to develop the skills that inspire students to progress on their future path. This could be a path to employment, or it could be on their path to increasing independence and belonging in the community.
  • Good Mental Health
    • The curriculum empowers students to explore their personal identity and their emotions and equip them with the skills they need to become happy, resilient adults in the future with the ability to actively contribute, challenge and make a difference to their community.
  • Personal Success
    • Each student has an individual path to personal success. Our curriculum allows them to explore what is possible and develop the skills they need in order to achieve this and become successful adults.

These are used to ensure we give our students appropriate and ambitious curriculum opportunities.

Curriculum Purpose:

To provide our pupils and students with the skills to live as independently as possible in an ever-changing world, to be:

  • Successful Learners
  • Confident Individuals
  • Responsible Citizens

At Daventry Hill School we believe that we must always be aware of our young people's potential outcomes for adulthood to be able to deliver learning that is worthwhile and meaningful. This starts in the early years.

Each step along the way to meeting these outcomes must have an overarching purpose that supports development into the next stage. To enable this to happen effectively, we have developed our curriculum around the key purpose for each key stage.

Throughout the young person's journey at school we will be developing key skills that enable our learners to be successful in life, with a large emphasis on gaining and sustaining employment where possible. 

Underpinning the ethos of our curriculum at all stages is Preparing for Adulthood (PfA). The four strands of PfA enable us to concentrate our offer to students on learning that we feel is valuable to ensure that we help to enable our students to become happy, successful adults.

For more information about Preparing for Adulthood, please visit