This may be through assessment, group work, hydrotherapy and individual therapy. The physiotherapists collaborate with all other disciplines in the school to improve practice and raise pupil achievement.
Group work and individual sessions are provided with the physiotherapist taking responsibility for identifying those pupils who would benefit from a physiotherapeutic approach to their movement disorder and providing a structured programme in a small group setting or on an individual level. The pupils' Educational Team is trained to deliver these programmes and integrate them into the pupil’s curriculum and timetable.
Individual Therapy
While most of the work done with the pupils will be within the classroom environment and will be functionally based, individual therapy may be necessary for some. This may be for assessment purposes, rehabilitation after surgery, or to identify and work on a particular aspect of development.
In order to provide an effective and appropriate therapy curriculum to meet the needs of all the pupils, close liaison and collaboration is necessary. This ensures a realistic carry over of programmes and support into the classroom and the home situation.
Collaborative planning takes place for the preparation of individual Education Plans, for home visits, schemes of work, and the implementation of targets for individual pupils into the whole school day.
The physiotherapist is also responsible for the liaison where necessary with paediatricians, the student’s consultant orthopaedic surgeon, and the orthotist. Some liaison with outside agencies will also be necessary on occasions, e.g. community therapists, health visitors, social workers. The physiotherapists will always maintain a close partnership with the parents of students in school, and will provide advice, support and information as requested.