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How will we measure the progress of your child in school?

Progress can be measured in many ways and at Daventry Hill School we believe that measuring what is important is vital. This is why at our Annual Reviews, the objectives set are personal and individual, agreed in conjunction with your child, yourself and any professionals present.

  • Progress towards these objectives is monitored by the class teacher through your child’s Individual Education Plan. Your child’s objectives will be incorporated into his/her daily curriculum so that there are opportunities throughout the day to develop and practice the new skills.
  • At your child’s next annual review these objectives will be reported on formally, however throughout the year you have the opportunity to discuss progress at parent’s evenings or whenever you feel appropriate through phone calls or the schools electronic communication platform.
  • Academic targets are reviewed annually and as discussed in earlier questions monitored regularly through professional discussions, learning walks / observations and work scrutiny.
  • Progress that students make is discussed regularly throughout the year to ensure timely interventions are implemented in the event that a student is not making progress.
  • At the end of the year progress is recorded and reported formally, using Performance Levels (more information can be given on request and is given to parents)

All students have the opportunity to work towards qualifications and, dependent upon need, these may be personal or academic.